Warszawa z lotu ptaka - kopiuj - kopiuj
Warszawa z lotu ptaka - kopiuj - kopiuj
Public Sector Consulting
New regulations – such as the obligation to settle VAT using a centralized model and the new, complicated rules on tax returns with respect to investments financed by EU funds – can be challenging for entities within the public sector. Gekko Taxens specialists are highly competent in providing public sector entities with their expertise and insight. We offer our support as part of ongoing tax services or in selected issues.
- provide support in VAT returns as part of investments, including those financed by EU funds
- carry out cross-sectional tax reviews aimed at verifying VAT returns in the office and in budgetary units and entities
- prepare for a tax inspection in connection with a planned VAT refund application
- develop optimal methods for calculating the pre-index, both in terms of investment and current expenditures
- provide support during tax inspections and proceedings, as well as conducting court and administrative proceedings before administrative courts, including the Supreme Administrative Court